
Saturday, August 20, 2011

A New Shade

Today i was looking through all the bathroom drawers in my house in search of a hair clip i could wear for work (no luck!) but i did find a shade of lipstick that i just fell in love with. its a very berry red. as my mom tells me, its almost the same color my grammy used to wear. Well today i put it on and i must say i didnt look to bad. The only thing is, im not a big make-up and lipstick kind of girl. im more plain jane then anything. Im also not used to wearing makeup or lipstick, so it didnt stay on very long, i ended up wiping off half of what i put on and the other came off with time:]
I can say me wearing red lipstick has made my mamah very happy, shes very into looks, and looking like a lady. Which is not very important to me, im more about comfort. but all she been doing is giving me kisses and telling me how much i look like grammy lela. Its seriously the biggest compliment my mom has ever given me. because my grandma, even though she died when i was seven is my biggest hero, and my favorite person. and when i think of the person i want to be; kind, responcible, caring, loving, hard working. it all goes back to her and the time i spent with her.
Its cool how all this came from a tube of lipstick
i guess i'll start wearing more lipstick:]

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