
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dots For Day

I had a very much needed two days off last thursday and friday. On thursday i pretty much slept all day and all night(i didnt care, i was tired). eating nothing but oatmeal my mom had made me that morning. and waking up for the ocasional bathroom break:]
But on friday i got things done; i cleaned, ran some errands. But my greatest part of the day was when my old friend gemma called me and said she was passing through and we should hang.
 Background story!
I met gemma when i lived in la jolla, we wernt that close because i was attached at the hip with my then best friend mel. but i moved and i would go down there and visit. and we started to hang and stuff. but i havent seen this girl in a good five years. and she hasnt changed a big. but she says ive changed allot. I really do hate when people tell me that, because i dont think i have. But asuming she knew me when i had round pink glasses and pony tails, well then yes i have changed!

 Well she came by, and took some wonderful pictures of me, I tried to take some of her but she said she looked terrible and would shoot me in the face if i tried. i mean how could i go against that:]
Do you ever suddenly realize that you have been ignoring people without trying to? well ive been doing that allot lately, i say that stops now! im going to start calling my loved ones once a week. starting with mel, i havent talked to that girl since my soph year! its so sad, i mean we used to be so close. i need to find her number asap!
oh yeahhh
im suppose to end with a clever note now hu?
hmmm Stay true to you school:]

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