
Friday, July 29, 2011

Let my summer Start

Im officially done with school( for now i guess) I would have to say I did pretty awesome on my final, by awesome i mean i didn't fail. which is just super great. because i thought i was going to do terrible. i always seem to think the worse:] As for now, i just want to do nothing for the next month. Well except hang with friends and sleep:} and work, cant forget about the money! Ive also been really into cleaning, which is weird. so i plan to do allot of that until school starts back again. which by the way i'm really dreading. But what i am not dreading is the school shopping, not cloths but the school supply's. thats seriously my favorite part about school
Step by Step
Thursday- The big day! woke up went to my work to get my book i left there, then headed to class to do my final which went well. and i got to talk to my favorite people in the class, so that was cool. after class i got there numbers and we added each other on facebook. allot harder than it looks! got out of class around eleven, and i really didnt feel like hanging around san marcos doing nothing for three hours waiting to go to work, so i went and had lunch with bridgine, and told her about the test and life. and then i went to work. cool way to celebrate right? but yeah afterwords i went and saw Parisa. because i missed her face! then drove home and slept. 
i call that a good day mam
As for today, i got up went and took my car in because theres something wrong with my brakes, got dressed and have just been hanging with my two favorite lady's; Bridgine, and Alisha
by the way bridgine took these cool pictures of me, and i thank her:]

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