
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Catch-Up Addition

Lets see if i can remember the last post i made over a month ago, Oh yeah! i was talking about how my ASL class was cancelled and i needed to find something to do.... well i did:]
There are three big events thats have taken place to make me a very happy and lucky person.
ONE- I got a internship, its only for 22 days but it will be the best 22 day of my life. its at the riverside school for the deaf, and ill be staying in a dorm being a councilor i think. and its during the summer so i wont need to take time away from school. Im also really excited because it will help me with my signing so much. being around nothing but it, with no talking, it will be very interesting. also the fact that i told myself i was going to do something and find somewhere to volunteer or intern and i did it. it makes me very proud. and i know my family is proud of me for doing something with my life and not just sitting on my butt not doing anything.
TWO- I moved out of my parents house and into a apartment in esco. Yup i took the plunge! i felt like it was time to be my own person outside of my parents, and the driving back and forth from Murrieta to Escondido was rediculous and was killing my back and spirits!(from this point on this is the reason why i moved, it may not be completely true but who cares) 
The process of moving is a scary one let me tell you! its almost been a month and i still have to much to do/buy, its crazy. but i can do it!
THREE- Im broke! I can say this with pride, im broke. Up until this point of being on my own, I've always had money, whenever i needed to go get something i could. but now i have to think how buying something will effect me later if i needed something more or if i didnt have enough to get it. i have bills to pay now, which completely sucks. but its time i suppose. But i know im not truly broke, i know if i really needed money and was in a bind, i could call anyone in my family and they would happily give me money, but im trying to do it on my own and be responsible.
by the way these pictures are from a couple months ago at my parent house, ill have new ones up soon, i just lost a piece of my tri-pod in the move(POOP)

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