
Friday, August 5, 2011

Mi Casa

I never realized how awesome the stuff in my house was until i had people over and they just gravitated to my dad paintings. and i heard them talking about them, and describing things that are going on in the pictures. To me thoughs paintings and statues are just apart of my house, my dad has had them since before i was born, and ive always just had the sence that there exspensive(which they are) and that im suppose to stay away from then and not touch. So when i got older, i was still in that mind set, to just ignore them and act like they wernt there. but ever since my gatherings all i can do is look at them and ask my parents what they mean? who painted them all? how long they have had them? how much they cost? what made them get it? It turns out, i already new allot of the answers.
These paintings are all about isolation, wanting to be by yourself but feeling locked up or trapped around people/ things that you dont want to be around. but another thing that was brought to my attention was the red man. his head is shaped like a pill, hes the only one who isnt confined by something. but is still there and unhappy, like hes trapped by his own addiction. i thought that was cool. 
I know for a fact that these pieces were gifts to my father from his friends. i dont really know what they represent. i believe there just decoration, because i have never seen water go through that waterfall, or flowers in though's pots:]
Now my favorite picture in my house, since i was little i remember always staring at this and thinking, what cheaters. and why are there so many clown picture in my house. lets me tell you theres allot, i've never counted but if i did it would be over 4o tops. now that i'm older, i'm just glad that i'm not afraid of clowns, because what a miserable child I would have been, always scared to be in my own house
I love my house, even though its so not meant for children, and i don't know how i never broke anything in here. But i love it!

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