
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Im loving all this company!

This past month has been crazy to say the least. 
and here are some things ive decided i want to complain about:]

  • School& homework
  • work
  • Taking care of my dad
  • My cars axel broke(200 to fix)
  • gas is up to four friken dollars
  • my english teacher is a mean little lady
That is all

Anyways my father had is surgery and still hasnt recovered. for the first couple of weeks it was just my brother my mom and I taking care of him, I was skipping full nights of sleep taking care of him because he was in so much pain, But the whites family doesnt leave their own out to dry OH NO!  I think they have secretly made a scedule so that everyday there is some at our house helping up take care of my dad

Our first helpers were my Uncle Jimmy & Aunt Sheila, then the next night my sister Ashley and her boyfriend Chris came to help out. let me tell you things were so much easier, and my dad loved it. Ashley & chris left monday night and my aunt and uncle left tuesday afternoon
More to come...

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