
Sunday, January 16, 2011


I start school in a couple days, and to tell you the truth, I'm really nervous.
I mean the first day of school is always nerve racking! Not knowing where your classes are, how long its going to take to get to each class, how are the teachers going to be. Im scared!
But the one good thing is Im taking everything i wanted

Asl 101
Eng 101
Math 50
Photo 100
Spch 100
I go monday tuesday wednesday and thursday, i know!
Its allot of days, but i didn't go last semester and i wanted to spread my scedule out so i could get used to the whole idea so thats exactly what i did:]

One thing i didn't know was how exspensive everything was, with my classes and books it came out to like 1300, and thats not adding the school supply's which came to about 200 plus! im so broke now its not funny, I'm trying really hard not to take money out of my saving but every time i log on to my banking account i just see it there and i think "oh how i could use the gas money" hmm but i cant I MUST SAVE!

im hopefully going to palomar tomorrow to search for all my classes so i wont be a lost puppy on tuesday, lets hope cheyenne can go!!!!!
wish me alls of your luck:]
Now enjoy some never ever eva shown pictures from the night of doodle:]


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