
Friday, January 21, 2011

New borrowed camera!!

Isn't it Beautiful! I needed a 35mm film camera for my black & white developing class at palomar, and the one i found costed 300 smacurooo's!!! yeah, i dont have that kind of money just laying around, so i gave my unkle larry a call (by the way he collects cameras, hence the reason i called him) well he told me to come on down to his house and he'll have one for me, so me and my father roadtriped it to long beach when i got out of class and picked it up. When i first saw the beauty my face just dropped! This is a REAL camera, its nice and sturdy. all i need now is a new batterie developing paper and film

digital or film you say, i love both these camera's, but at the moment film and developing it is my new objective in life. trust this will change very soon, along with everything else that travels through this crazed mind of mine!

Now on to some unimportant things!!!
I have now started working for my mother again, two nights a week, 40 bucks each night. seems resonable enough right? well we just have to wait and see, just wait until she goes crazy on me, then i am skrewed!!

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