
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yay For Ebay

December is fastly approaching... well it it will be here tomorrow! so let me rephrase this, Christmas is fastly approaching and im not ready, all the money that i have gathered from working is not for other people, its for me! and me alone:} selfish? i think not, most of that hard earned money goes to gas and other nessesities. So ive decided to sell my unwanted things, for starters my books! i have read them multiple times and now i want them gone. GONE i say! i then told cheyenne this and she then tells me that her boyfriend mike is a master at ebay, so everyone that was not there my eyes literally lit up and i shed a tear of joy! so in conclusion all of the money i get from my unwanted things shall go to presents to my loved ones. exsept mike and cheyenne, there present are coming right out of my pocket. WHY? cause they got it like that:}
Also like i said it is christmas time and we are now in full swing of winter, so i decided it was perfect time to wear my new penguin sweater. navy blue with a scoop neck. its my love, and i must say it is quite warm. Which is a plus cause i dont really cunsult the warmth factor when i buy clothes. 

During the picture process of this my nefew came over and sat on my lap and i descovered really how much alike we look... its SCARY! you know what ill just let you see for yourself
Now a mini photoshoot!

1 comment:

  1. YOur a terrible speller. USE SPELL CHECK! =] hahahahahaha
