
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bob Dylan

Okay, in my last post i put a picture of Bob Dylan in it, and just seeing that picture of him just inspired me to do a whole post about him and his greatness! not a bio! but just about how he has greatly influenced me:]

Hmm where to start. i believe i did start listening to this amazing man before i was even born. as storys tell it, my amazingly amazing aunt used to play his music to my mom while i was still a infant! which i think tottaly made me a rebel as a baby cause i was a bad ass.
Moving on to when i was in kindergarden and i had my first talent show! what i did in the talent show isn't really important, i probly did a barney song:] but the important thing is that i remember a moment when i was on a car ride home from school that day and "blowin' in the wind" was playing and i was looking out the window of the car looking at all the tree and they were just waving along with the wind. I was really young but i can remember thing wow. this is the best feeling ever! I still get that feeling every time i listen to that song.

I would have to say the next really big time i was moved by him was when i saw "Im not there". this is where i really started to get intrested in his life and how he was as a person, and what he went through to get to where he is now! this is when i realized he wasn't just a folk singer of a rock n' roll artist. He was a poet, an activist! he spoke of what he saw and felt, and didn't give a shit. He also did it without sounding like he knew everything, because he openly admitted that he didn't, he didn't even really know who he was or what he was doing. he just did it and tried not to look back.

Now this brings me to my next chapter in following his life and learning what he is all about. i was googling him one day and i found out that there a documentary of him from a folk singer to figuring out himself as a activist, and its all old footage of him. backstage, onstage, its him in real life, having real conversations. i youtubed it and saw a clip of the movie and he get a call saying that someone is going to shoot him, and he finds out its a prank that no one is coming to shoot him, and all he says is "i dont mind being shot man, but i dont dig being told about it" i mean how awesome do u have to be to say something like that when you completely freaked out, and the best part he meant it!

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