
Sunday, October 24, 2010


okay the tittle is alil missleading, this post isnt about greenbay, it has nothing to do with the team at all, they were just on my mind so i thought what the heck. AND WROTE IT!
OKAY so i simply put this very recent picture of me up for three i repeat THREE reasons.

  1. my green wall
  2. my TOMS banner
  3. & my glasses
Let me explain this in the only way that would make sense. my green wall; all my walls are green. Why? because i painted them that color, and i love them, the make my day everytime i wake up in the morning. you could say their the light of my eye..... so to speak! my TOMS banner; i only say this because im jonzing for another pair oh so badly. & my glasses; i deeply need a new pair/ a check up, because i think my vision is going for the worse, or it might be all the little scratches on my lenses that are making me believe im going blind? who knows! but i do know this my pay check this friday is going toward lense crafters, im bringing in a pair of my dad old frames and putting my persription in them! its already done as done... or something like that!
So in my last post i wrote that i was going to re-start documenting my life because i was not doing it and that just plain sucks so i ran over to see cheyenne and took pictures of her (cause shes in my life, then when i came home my little ones where there so i took some amazing pictures of them and i have one of me from today..... ENJOY( oh ps. the picture up there has no meaning i just love pictures that focus in!!!)

oh how i really like my life!!!!!!!!!!

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